Monday, 19 November 2012

Microsoft Excel 2007: Customizing Page Layout (Win)

Customizing Page Layout

In order to fit information on a page or change the appearance of a page, you may want to customize your page layout. Several different aspects of your page layout may be altered to customize the way your printed worksheet appears, including:

Changing the Orientation

Most documents are portrait (tall) oriented, but many worksheets may be easier to read with a landscape (wide) orientation. In addition, changing the orientation can also help you fit a large worksheet onto one sheet of paper. After changing the orientation, you may need to change the paper size.
  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click ORIENTATION » select the desired orientation (i.e., Portrait or Landscape)Orientation button and menu

Changing the Paper Size

The default paper size is 8 1/2" x 11", but you can select other available paper sizes, such as legal (8.5" x 14"). To select a different paper size:
  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click SIZE » select the desired paper size
    Size button and menu

Adjusting the Scale

The scaling option allows you to adjust the size of the printed copy. The default size of the printed copy is 100%. You can adjust the scale to a percentage of the default size, or choose to fit the worksheet to a specific number of pages; both allow you to reduce or enlarge the entire worksheet. These options are described below.

Adjusting the Scale: Percentage

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. From the Scale to Fit group, in the Scale text box, type the appropriate percentage
    ORWith the nudge buttons, click the appropriate percentage
    Scale text box and nudge buttons

Adjusting the Scale: Fit to Page

Excel allows you to set a maximum number of pages for your worksheet to fit within. You may choose to re-scale your worksheet either horizontally, vertically, or both in order to make it fit within this set number of pages.
  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. To rescale your worksheet horizontally within a page limit, in the Scale to Fit group, in the Width text box, type the appropriate number of pages
    In the Scale to Fit group, in the Width text box, click theWidth arrow» select the desired number of pages
  3. To rescale your worksheet vertically within a page limit, in the Scale to Fit group, in the Height text box, type the appropriate number of pages
    In the Scale to Fit group, in the Height text box, click theWidth arrow» select the desired number of pages

Adjusting the Margins

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click MARGINSMargins button
    The Margins pull-down list appears.
  3. From the Margins pull-down list, select the desired option
    For custom margin settings
    1. From the Margins pull-down list, select Custom Margins...
      The Page Setup dialog box appears, with the Margins tab selected.
    2. In the Top, Bottom, Left, or Right text boxes, type the appropriate margins
      With the nudge buttons, select the appropriate value
    3. Click OK

Adjusting the Header and Footer Margins

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click MARGINSMargins button» select Custom Margins...
    The Page Setup dialog box appears, with the Margins tab selected.
  3. In the Header and Footer text boxes, type the appropriate margins
    With the nudge buttons, select the appropriate value
  4. Click OK

Centering the Worksheet on the Page

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click MARGINSMargins button» select Custom Margins...
    The Page Setup dialog box appears, with the Margins tab selected.
  3. To center within the left and right margins, in the Center on page section, select Horizontally
  4. To center within the top and bottom margins, in the Center on page section, select Vertically
  5. Click OK

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