Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Microsoft Word 2007: Creating Headers and Footers (Win)

Creating Headers and Footers

You can create headers and footers in your Word document so that information such as the author's name, document title, or page numbers will appear in the top and/or bottom margin of your document. You can create a header and footer that appears the same on every page, or you can customize the pages with different headers and footers.

Inserting a Header or a Footer

By default, headers and footers appear on every page of your document. Word gives you have several presets to select from; you can also begin with a blank header or footer.
  1. From the Insert command tab, in the Header & Footer section, click HEADERHeader buttonor FOOTERFooter buttonThe scroll list of preset headers or footers appears.
  2. Select the desired header or footer style
    HINT: To start with a blank Header/Footer, select Edit Header or Edit Footer

Editing Header or Footer Content

Once you have inserted a header or footer you can edit or format the content. Additional options appear in the Header & Footer Tools Design Tab.
  1. Double-click within the header or footer
  2. To edit the content of a header, on the Ribbon, click HEADER » select Edit Header
    To edit the content of a footer, on the Ribbon, click FOOTER » select Edit Footer
    Additional options appear in the Ribbon.
  3. Edit text as desired
  4. From the Ribbon, select additional customizing options as desired

The Header & Footer Tools Design Tab

The Header & Footer Tools Design command tab appears on the Ribbon only when an existing header or footer is active. This special command tab providing several unique header and footer formatting options.
  1. To access the Design tab of the Headers & Footers Tools, double-click a header or footer
    A new contextual command tab appears next to the other command tabs in the Ribbon and gives you access to the header and footer functions.
Header & Footer Group
The Header & Footer group lets you to format the appearance of the header or footer and/or format page numbers.
Headers & Footers, Change Layout section
Insert GroupThe buttons in the Insert group let you add graphics and preformatted text elements (e.g., time and date, document properties) to your headers and footers.
Header & Footer Insert Group
Navigation Group
The Navigation group buttons let you navigate between headers and footers and from the header in one section to the header in another section.
Headers & Footers, Navigation section
Options Group
This group provides the options of creating a different header on the first page. You can also select to have a different header/footer on the odd & even pages, this is useful if you need to adjust the alignment of the headers/footers for facing pages. If Show Document Text is deselected (i.e., there is no checkmark), then your document's text will not show--only your header/footer will show.
Headers & Footers, Options section
Position Group
This group allows you to adjust where your header appears on the page(s). The default setting is 0.5 inches from the top and bottom of the page.
Headers & Footers, Position section
Close Header and Footer Group
From here you can exit the header/footer text box and continue editing your document.
Headers & Footers, Close section

Creating a Different First Page Header and Footer

If you want the header/footer of your document to be different on your first page, you first need to create a header or footer. You can customize headers and footers in the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, which appears only when you select a header or footer.
  1. On the first page of the document, double click within the header or footer
    The Header & Footer Tools Design tab appears.
  2. From the Header & Footer Tools Design command tab, in the Options group, select Different First Page
    The label on the first page header text box changes from Header to First Page Header.
  3. In the First Page Header text box, insert the desired information
  4. To edit the First Page Footer, click GO TO FOOTERSwitch Between Header and Footer button
  5. In the First Page Footer text box, insert the desired information
  6. To create subsequent headers and footers, in the Navigation section, click NEXTShow Next button
  7. In the Footer text box, insert the desired information
  8. Click GO TO HEADERSwitch Between Header and Footer button
  9. In the Header text box, insert the desired information
  10. To return to your document, click CLOSE HEADER AND FOOTER

Creating Odd and Even Page Headers and Footers

You can create different odd and even page headers and footers, which display different information on the odd and even pages of your document.
  1. On the first page of the document, double click within the header or footer
    The Header & Footer Tools Design tab appears.
  2. From the Headers & Footers Tools Design tab, in the Options section, select Different Odd & Even Pages
  3. In the Odd Page Header text box, insert the desired information
  4. Click GO TO FOOTERSwitch Between Header and Footer button
  5. In the Odd Page Footer text box, insert the desired information
  6. To create the header and footer for even pages, in the Navigation section, click NEXTShow Next button
  7. In the Even Page Footer text box, insert the desired information
  8. Click GO TO HEADERSwitch Between Header and Footer button
  9. In the Even Page Header text box, insert the desired information
  10. To return to your document, click CLOSE HEADER AND FOOTER.


Make sure to let me know in the comments below or on our
Facebook page how you've got with it or Do you have any questions

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