Sunday, 18 November 2012

Microsoft Office 2007: Using Microsoft Office Help (Win)

 Using Microsoft Office Help

The Microsoft Office Help system provides concise, printable descriptions and procedures for virtually any Office feature. The Help system is useful for troubleshooting problems and explaining specific subjects, making Microsoft Office a more accessible program to work with. This document helps users find and navigate through the Help system.

Accessing the Help Dialog Box

The Help dialog box is never more than a click away.
  1. To open the Help dialog box, at the upper right corner of the screen, click HELPHelp button
    Press [F1]
    The Help dialog box appears.
    Help dialog box

Using the Help Toolbar

In the Help dialog box, on the Help toolbar, there are a number of buttons available to help you navigate through the Help system:
Button Image NameFunction
back buttonBack Moves Help backward to the last page displayed
forward buttonForwardMoves Help forward one page, after Back has been clicked
stop buttonStopStops a Help page from loading
refresh buttonRefreshReloads a page
home buttonHomeReturns the user to the initial Help page
print buttonPrintPrints the current Help page
change font size buttonChange Font Size Increases or decreases the size of the text on the page
show table of contents buttonShow Table of Contents Opens the Table of Contents sidebar
keep on top buttonnot on top buttonKeep on Top/Not on Top Determines whether the Help window appears above all other Office windows or not.

Using the Help Dialog Box

There are two ways to search for help topics. You can use the search text box or you can browse Office Help for information on your subject.

Using the Help Dialog Box: Search Text Box Option

Using the Search for text box allows you to type in keywords, which will have Office search through the entire library of help topics.
  1. Open the Help dialog box
  2. In the Search text box, type a question, word, or phrase that describes your topic
  3. OPTIONAL: To refine your search to a particular collection of documents using filters, click thearrowon the SEARCH button » select the desired filter
    HINT: A checkmark represents the current filter being used.
    The default filter is All [Office program], which searches through all help topics for the program that you are using.
    EXAMPLE:All PowerPoint
  4. Press [Enter]
    Click SEARCHhelp search button
    The search results appear in Help dialog box.
  5. From the list of topics, select the desired search result
  6. To change views, navigate, or print information about your topic, use the toolbar buttons
    HINT: If there is no desirable search result, refine your question, word, or phrase that describes your topic, or try browsing for a topic.
  7. OPTIONAL: You may critique the help topic
  8. When finished, to close the Help dialog box, click theexit button

Using the Help Dialog box: Browsing Option

Instead of searching and looking through result lists to find a help topic, the Help dialog box allows you to choose from prearranged categories of information. By finding your topic categorically, you can find articles with greater precision than by using the Search text box.
  1. Open the Help dialog box
  2. In the Table of Contents scroll list , click the category most relevant to your topic
    A new page appears.
    NOTE: Depending upon what category you have chosen, you could be given a list of help topics, a list of subcategories, or both.
  3. Select the desired search result
  4. To change views, navigate, or print information about your topic, use the toolbar buttons
    HINT: If there is no desirable browsing result, try browsing again or try using the search text box.
  5. OPTIONAL: You may critique the Help topic
  6. When finished, to close the Help dialog box, click theexit button

Viewing Information about a Dialog Box

If you want to know about a dialog box's functions without the tedium of trial and error, you can use the Help button in any dialog box. This dialog box function allows you to get information about a dialog box quickly and easily.
  1. In the upper right corner of any Office dialog box, click HELPhelp button
    Press [F1]
    The Help dialog box appears.
    NOTES:For more information on the Help dialog box, refer to Accessing the Help Dialog Box.
    Depending on the dialog box, Office will suggest related help topics in the Table of Contents scroll list.
  2. Click on the desired topic
    The help topic will appear.
  3. OPTIONAL: If Office does not suggest any help topics, navigate through the dialog box to find a topic by browsing or by using the search text box
  4. OPTIONAL: You may critique the help topic
  5. When finished, in the upper right corner of the Help dialog box, click theexit button

Critiquing a Help Topic

Microsoft allows its users to evaluate its help topics to better assist Office users in the future. The critiquing option is available in every help topic and is very easy to submit.
NOTE: You must be connected to the internet to critique a topic.
  1. Open the Help dialog box
  2. Find the topic by either searching or browsing in the Help dialog box
  3. At the bottom of a help topic, click YES, NO, or I DON'T KNOW, as appropriate
    The screen refreshes to include a text box.
  4. In the text box, explain your issue and the degree of the topic's helpfulness
  5. When you are finished, click SUMBIT
    Your critique is submitted to Microsoft.
    If you choose not to critique the article, click BACK.

Make sure to let me know in the comments below or on our Facebook page how you've got with it or Do you have any questions

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