Sunday, 18 November 2012

Microsoft Office 2007: Formatting Text (Win)


Formatting Text

In Microsoft Office 2007, text can be formatted in many different ways. This document describes text formatting options in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
NOTE: These options are found in the Home command tab, in the Font group.

Formatting Text in Office

The Office 2007 Ribbon contains most of the tools you will need to format your text.
  1. Select the text you want to format
  2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, from the options available, select the desired formatting

Common Formatting Options in Office

The following table displays text formatting options available in all Office programs.
FontFont pull-down listDisplays the font face currently used
NOTE: TheFont buttonprovides a pull-down list from which the font faces can be changed.
Font Size Font Size buttonDisplays the font size currently used
NOTE: TheFont Size buttonprovides a pull-down list from which the font size can be changed.
Increase Font Size Increase Font Size buttonIncreases the font size by one increment
NOTE: Increment sizes vary as the font size changes.
Decrease Font Size Decrease Font Size buttonDecreases the font size by one increment
NOTE: Increment sizes vary as the font size changes.
BoldBold buttonApplies bold formatting
ItalicItalic buttonApplies italicized formatting
UnderlineUnderline buttonApplies underlined formatting
NOTE: Clicking theUnderline buttonallows you to select a single or double underline.
Font Color Font Color buttonApplies color to text
NOTE: Clicking theFont Color buttonprovides a pull-down list from which the font color can be changed.

Formatting Options Specific to Word

The following table displays text formatting options available only in Word 2007.
Clear Formatting Clear Formatting buttonRemoves all formatting and style from the selection
Strikethrough Strikethrough buttonApplies strikethrough formatting
Subscript Subscript buttonApplies subscript formatting (i.e., the text shrinks and is placed below the baseline)
Superscript Superscript buttonApplies superscript formatting (i.e., the text shrinks and is placed above the baseline)
Change Case Change Case buttonOpens a pull-down list from which you can format the case style (e.g., lowercase or sentence case)
Text Highlight Color Text Highlight Color buttonHighlights selected text with a colored background
NOTE: Clicking theText Highlight Color buttonallows you to change the color of the text highlight.

Formatting Options Specific to PowerPoint

The following table displays text formatting options available only in PowerPoint 2007.
Clear All Formatting Clear All Formatting buttonRemoves all formatting and style from the selection
Strikethrough Strikethrough buttonApplies strike through formatting
Text ShadowText Shadow buttonApplies a shadow to selected text
Character Spacing Character Spacing buttonOpens a pull-down list that formats the length of space between individual characters
Change Case Change Case buttonOpens a pull-down list from which you can format the case style (e.g., uppercase, lowercase)

Formatting Options Specific to Excel

The following table displays text formatting options available only in Excel 2007.
BorderBorder buttonAdds a border to the selected cell
HINT: For more information, refer to Formatting Your Worksheets: Formatting Borders.
Fill Colour Fill Color ButtonFills the cell with the selected colour
NOTE: Clicking theFill Color buttonprovides a pull-down list from which cell colours can be changed.

Make sure to let me know in the comments below or on our Facebook page how you've got with it or Do you have any questions


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