Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Microsoft Excel 2008: Sorting Data (Mac)

Sorting Data

The Sort command arranges worksheet data by text (i.e., A to Z, Z to A), numbers (i.e., smallest to largest, largest to smallest), dates, or times (oldest to newest, newest to oldest). This document shows you how to sort your Excel 2008 worksheet data.
NOTE: Once data is sorted, subgroups can be subtotaled. For more information refer to Calculating Subtotals in Databases.

Using the Sort Button

If you simply want to sort your data by one column from smallest to largest or largest to smallest, you can do so with one click.
  1. Select a cell in the desired column to sort
  2. On the Standard toolbar, click SORT A-ZSort smallest to largestor SORT Z-ASort largest to smallest
    Your data is sorted based on the selected column.

Using the Sort Dialog Box

Using the Sort dialog box, you can create multi-level sorts that meet a variety of specifications.
  1. Select a cell in the desired column to sort
  2. From the Data menu, select Sort...
    The Sort dialog box appears.
    Sort dialog box
  3. To sort by ascending or descending values (i.e., alphabetically, numerically, time, or date),
    1. In the Sort by pull-down menu, select the column you want to use to sort
    2. In the Then by pull-down menu, select the column you want to use
  4. To sort according to a custom list,
    1. In the Sort by pull-down menu, select the column you want to use to sort
      EXAMPLE: Select a column containing days of the week
    2. Click OPTIONS...The Sort Options dialog box appears.
      Sort Options dialog box
    3. Using the pull-down menu, select the custom list by which you want to sort
      EXAMPLE: Select Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  5. Click OK

Make sure to let me know in the comments below or on our
Facebook page how you've got with it or Do you have any question

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