Monday, 1 October 2012

Make Any Window Stay On Top

Some programs implement an option to automatically keep itself on top of other windows. For certain applications this can definitely be handy as you can avoid having to resize multiple windows to see everything you need at once. Unfortunately, unless the application supports this feature there is not a native way in Windows to keep it on top. To resolve this issue, simply use the freeware utility DeskPins:
DeskPins can be used to make any application topmost, that is, to keep it above all other windows. Just grab a pin from the DeskPins icon in the system notification area (a.k.a. taskbar tray) and click on any window. This functionality is identical to the "Always on Top" setting found in some programs. With DeskPins you can add this feature to any program!
I have this installed on my Windows 7 Pro 64-bit machine and it works great. Additionally, DeskPins only uses about 1.5 MB of memory which is essentially nothing.
This utility is pretty awesome and I would recommend it to anyone.

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