Whenever you purchase a new cell phone, you have to be absolutely sure what you are getting is what you want as you typically have to agree to a lengthy contract before you walk out the phone. If you end up not liking your phone, you are stuck with both the device and provider for the term of the contract unless you decide to purchase a new phone (all out of pocket) and/or pay a hefty cancellation fee to the provider.
That said, if you are thinking about getting a Google Android powered phone and want to give it a test drive before you buy, then check out this article titled ‘How to Test Drive Google Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone‘. The author walks you through the process of installing the Android emulator on your computer which will let you install and run applications on the emulated phone.
While the article focuses on Windows, the emulator works on Windows, Mac and Linux so all users can give it a try. This is a great way to make sure you really like what you getting before you actually get it.
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